Marshall McLuhan stated, “Environments are not passive wrappings, but are, rather, active processes which are invisible. The groundrules, pervasive structure, and over-all patterns of environments elude easy perception.” Returning from Pakistan exactly a month ago, this quote spoke louder to me than ever. The unsaid cultural and gendered norms, traditions and rules in Pakistan were a stark contrast to the "woke," "sexually liberated," and "pro-woman" society that America likes to claim. Though America seems to be all these things after three weeks spend in the homeland. Growing up in a country where as a woman I have the freedom (without people staring or saying something to me) to drive, ride a motorcycle without having to sit side-saddle on the back, go out by myself, hold a career, marry as I please and to whom I please, I was frustrated at first. Who am I without the freedom to do as I please? But then I realized, for people in Pakistan, this is simply the way of life. A process. A cycle. Don't get me wrong, Pakistan is one of the most beautiful places and so full of love, in a way that America is not. 

I chose to use some short clips of video that I had taken during my trip, to show the beauty of the country but also juxtapose its differences experimentally using sound. I contrasted the dusty, trash filled streets of Lahore with the sweet melody of American Clarence Henry's "I don't know why I love you but I do." I found this also spoke to my identity, as this trip was a big part of figuring out the whole other side of me--or at least a start to. As a Pakistani-American girl never having been to Pakistan, I felt like I didn't truly know where I was from, or where I belonged. What box do I check on those dumb surveys that ask about your race? Anyways, here is my one minute experimental video. 


  1. The kite, the juice machine... and uplifting happy vibe background track...I really love those elements combine. I hope you gets closer to you identity after you making your video!

  2. The colors appearing in the scenes are pretty and enjoyable. I like your choice of music. Your laugh is catching!


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