to whom it may concern-

my name is hannah hayat. the world i live in is one of chaos. in a good way. at least, i think so. frankly, it is the only way i've ever lived my life so i'm not sure that there is much to do about it now. i enjoy myself and that's what counts right?

let me start off by showing you some of my work-- i feel like it may give more insight into who i am than a jumble of words could do justice right now. i could say i'm a senior studio art major getting my teaching certification in general elementary and art education and that i'm from evanston, illinois, but that doesn't really tell you too much about me.

spread 'em, 2019. acrylic print on paper.

hypermasculinity trophy, 2018. ceramic.

(yes that is a hamm's)

untitled, 2019. magazine cut outs on paper.

i tend to utilize humor and absurdity in my work, which i think demonstrates a lot about me and the way i choose to live my life. my past creative endeavors have included collaging and ceramic sculpture. i feel that i am somewhat of a collage myself. recently, i have gotten into a phase of experimentation.  my main material in earlier works was solely clay. as my art continues to develop (as all people do), i have moved to works that involve multiple mediums including found objects, printmaking, plastic and clay.

i am currently interested in the relationship between nature and femininity. perceptions of gender have always intrigued me, i could go into why but that is a whole 'nother story. i have always enjoyed challenging them--can you tell i'm an aquarius?? a common goal in my work is to influence the viewer to think critically about social ideologies, such as gender identity, or an experience other than their own. i’d like people to question certain constructs ingrained in our society. my work has a sexually provocative attitude pushing for feminist discourse. woman issue, regarding feminine power, their right, their role and their body along with perception of gender and sexuality.

in Marshall McLuhan's The Medium is the Massage, he states, "Every society honors it's live conformists, and its dead troublemakers."

i do believe that all the work we (as artists) create is a form of human expression, a product of our individual experience and worldviews, the same way my work is a product of mine. for this reason, i make the work i want to make without caring whether it is successful or enjoyed. i think making bad art is important too. McLuhan's quote speaks to me in this way. me. i am the troublemaker. i see as art as a way to explore and break through the bounds of society, creating conversations that may spark controversy or provoke thought. or not make sense at all! life doesn't make sense sometimes anyways. ah, the beauty of contemporary art.


  1. Love how your works interpret feminism and femininity.

  2. Your work is super interesting to look at, as it is very visually appealing but the deeper meaning behind the pieces themselves are very interesting and I like how you could spend a long time looking at them and analyzing those meanings


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