Marshall McLuhan stated, “Environments are not passive wrappings, but are, rather, active processes which are invisible. The groundrules, pervasive structure, and over-all patterns of environments elude easy perception.” Returning from Pakistan exactly a month ago, this quote spoke louder to me than ever. The unsaid cultural and gendered norms, traditions and rules in Pakistan were a stark contrast to the "woke," "sexually liberated," and "pro-woman" society that America likes to claim. Though America seems to be all these things after three weeks spend in the homeland. Growing up in a country where as a woman I have the freedom (without people staring or saying something to me) to drive, ride a motorcycle without having to sit side-saddle on the back, go out by myself, hold a career, marry as I please and to whom I please, I was frustrated at first. Who am I without the freedom to do as I please? But then I realized, for people in Pakistan, this is simply...
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to whom it may concern- my name is hannah hayat. the world i live in is one of chaos. in a good way. at least, i think so. frankly, it is the only way i've ever lived my life so i'm not sure that there is much to do about it now. i enjoy myself and that's what counts right? let me start off by showing you some of my work-- i feel like it may give more insight into who i am than a jumble of words could do justice right now. i could say i'm a senior studio art major getting my teaching certification in general elementary and art education and that i'm from evanston, illinois, but that doesn't really tell you too much about me. spread 'em, 2019. acrylic print on paper. hypermasculinity trophy , 2018. ceramic. (yes that is a hamm's) untitled , 2019. magazine cut outs on paper. i tend to utilize humor and absurdity in my work, which i think demonstrates a lot about me and the way i choose to live my life. my past creative ende...